1922 - 1930 The NNZ journey

The NNZ journey 1922-1930

Libau pand 1923

Groningen, 22 November 2021


The NNZ journey: 1922-1930

Our 1st decade revolved around pioneering. Founder Rien Boot (1889-1964) brings the story of NNZ (Noord Nederlandsche Zakkenhandel) to life in 1922. The first branch being the warehouse in Groningen called Libau, soon followed in 1924 by a building on the Hoornsche Diep in Groningen. Pioneering steps include: trips abroad to the Baltic States, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Also, the purchase of jute bags and jute cloth in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. In 1928 a turnover was made of NLG 334,000.

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